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Decline of social values.

The extreme degradation and deterioration of social values ​​in Bangladesh cannot be overstated. Public life is unbearable today due to this deterioration of social values ​​in Bangladesh. Its presence can be noticed everywhere in offices-courts, roads-ghats, hat-bazaars, vehicles, educational institutions. Among all the problems in Bangladesh, the erosion of social values ​​can be kept at the top. Not only the people of Bangladesh, but also various social and humanitarian organizations including foreign donor groups are concerned about this problem and they have applied both advice and pressure to the government to reduce it. But its improvement is far from over, day by day this problem is becoming more and more evident.

Decline of Social Values ​​and its Causes: It can be said without hesitation that there has been a complete decline of social values ​​in Bangladesh in the post-independence period as a result of long colonial rule. Its increasing prevalence in recent times is disrupting the mainstream of national development. Different sociologists and intellectuals have expressed different doctrines at different times to reveal the real cause of the decline of social values. Here are the reasons for the decline in values ​​in the light of their doctrine:

* Poverty Bangladesh is one of the top countries in terms of poverty. According to the UN Human Development Report 2015, Bangladesh was ranked 142nd out of 16 countries. The majority of the people of Bangladesh are afflicted with the scourge of poverty. As a result, the people of Bangladesh do not hesitate to engage in anti-social activities to meet the basic needs of life and to provide for their families.

* Population Excess: According to the fifth census report 2011, the population of Bangladesh is 14 crore 96 lakh 72 thousand 374 people and 1,015 people per square kilometer. Bangladesh is currently the eighth most populous country in the world and the fifth most populous in Asia. The amount of land per capita is only 0.23 acres. The country is not so rich in terms of natural resources. Therefore, excessive population pressure on limited size and resources hinders the fulfillment of basic human needs. As a result, due to lack of employment and opportunities, people step into the dark world as an alternative road and get involved in information criminal activities.

* Unemployment: Around three crore people in Dhaka are carrying the burden of unemployment. Unemployment has put the whole nation in a crisis. Working people are mentally ready for any work in the pursuit of livelihood while sitting in silence due to lack of work. Smuggling, robbery, snatching, drug dealing, etc. are done in order to fulfill the economic responsibilities of the family. In this way the decay of values ​​continues to increase.


* Drug Addiction: The problem of drug addiction has become evident in Bangladesh. At present, the words drug addiction and terrorism are considered synonymous. It can be seen that the one who takes drugs is more involved in terrorism and extortion. In order to raise money for drug use, he has to resort to theft, snatching, robbery, extortion, etc. and this is how today's society is being polluted.

Illiteracy: Most of the people in Bangladesh are uneducated and ignorant. Fools are generally indifferent to the better life and the world, and the tendency towards animalism is more evident among them. So their conscience does not restrain them from engaging in anti-social activities. For this reason, illiteracy is considered to be mainly responsible for the erosion of social values.

* Political reasons. Extreme instability has prevailed in the politics of Bangladesh since independence, especially since '75. Politics has gradually become muscle-dependent. Today's political organizations are engaged in a suicidal competition to defeat the opposition with muscle power instead of dealing with it politically. And some misguided youths are being used in this work. Therefore, sociologists are of the opinion that weak political commitment is responsible for the decline of social values.

* Unequal distribution system: The wealth distribution system in Bangladesh is quite flawed. A handful of people in this country have huge property and money. As a result, most of the people in the society are helpless. As one can see, 90 percent of the country's wealth is enjoyed by 10 percent of the people and only 10 percent of the wealth is enjoyed by 90 percent of the people. As children nurtured in abundance consume anti-social activities such as alcohol, marijuana, heroin and cocaine in the heat of wealth and money, so children who grow up in poverty and neglect become proficient in terrorism, bullying, extortion and robbery.

* Social factors: There are some social reasons for the decline of social values, they are

Family Reasons: Parents who are busy with economic or other activities and cannot give time to their children, in most cases their children develop disobedience to their parents. In the absence of the parents, the child often acquires unwanted habits and behaviors. Moreover, if there is a monomalignment or personality conflict between the parents for a long time, then there is frustration and aimlessness in the children. As a result, the child becomes involved in anti-social activities including drug addiction.

Failure in love Many people become emotionally broken when they fail in love or break their vows and become addicted to drugs and other immoral acts out of pride. Some do not hesitate to kill, throw acid, and rape in retaliation.

Congenital people are social creatures. Everyone wants to live in harmony on earth. The result is mixed out of the family Many people go bad because of the company. And it is through them that social degradation works take place.

Imitation people like to imitate. When someone does something, others have the desire or tendency to do it. Many of the children in Bangladesh in particular are on the decline due to pornography, watching movies or listening to stories. Many people are taking drugs as a brazen fashion and using it freely.

* Movies and satellite channels: The youth of this country are gradually going astray due to the obscene dances, songs, dialogues and very low quality stories of the films. Moreover, the evils of the subculture that has been haunting our society in the name of foreign culture under the influence of dish antennas are already being speculated.

* Session clutter: Session clutter is the indirect cause of the decline of social values. Today thousands of students are the victims of university session jam. Many suffer from anxiety and depression as it takes twice as long to complete the course and many children from poor or middle class families are unable to afford this long term education. The future, on the one hand, and financial worries, on the other, have led them to the brink of depression, and as a result, they have become involved in various anti-social activities despite their reluctance to do so.

* Geographical factors: Geographical factors such as various natural disasters, area effects, seasonal influences, eating habits, etc. also have a huge impact on people and as a result people do social values-degrading work.

* Remedy for loss of vision: Decay of social values ​​in our national life has emerged as a national social problem. It is very important to remedy this problem in the interest of the country and the nation. Below are some remedies for value degradation:

* Poverty alleviation: Adequate attention should be paid to poverty alleviation to prevent the erosion of social values. We have to create employment for the helpless people. Unemployed people need to be employed in productive work with various types of technical training and loans.

* Rural development is the lifeblood of rural Bangladesh. Villages are playing a big role in the economy of Bangladesh. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to rural development and agriculture sector. The government needs to focus on making the people involved in agriculture self-reliant, those who have already disappeared and engaged in various unscrupulous activities.

* Population Decline The government needs to adopt a more vigilant and strict policy to curb the growing population growth in Bangladesh. If the population continues to grow at the current rate, the social degradation will also continue to increase. Failure to control the population will also fail the plan made for the country. Therefore, it is very important to take measures to control the population to prevent the erosion of values.

* Reduction of Unemployment Since most of the crimes are committed by the unemployed, creating job opportunities for them will lead to social degradation and a large reduction. Unemployed people need to be motivated for self-employment. According to their qualifications and experience, the amount of bank loan should be increased and the branch and capital of Employment Bank should be increased. As well as the conditions for borrowing need to be further relaxed.

* Political Commitment A sincere decision must be taken to the effect that no political organization or local leader will use youth power in political activities. If necessary, the issue should be resolved in discussion with the leaders.

* Education is the backbone of the nation. An educated nation is the strength of a country. Education is one of the conditions of modern life. Illiteracy is like darkness. Therefore, in order to prevent the erosion of values, the masses need to be educated in appropriate education. Because no matter how much advice or message is heard about social, political, civic and religious duties, it will not work, unless the majority of the population is educated.

* Equitable distribution of resources The huge disparity in the distribution of resources in the society of Bangladesh must be eliminated. If necessary, the government will have to formulate new policies. Everyone's assets need to be taken into account and necessary steps need to be taken to conduct a survey on how much the increase in assets is in line with the source of income.

* Prevention of free spread of culture The penetration of foreign culture plays the biggest role in the social degradation of Bangladesh. In the name of culture and entertainment, some satellite channels are creating sexual arousal and perversion in everyone from our youth to the elderly, leading to an increase in serious social crimes, including rape. Therefore, the government has to take immediate steps to close down the rest of the channels by leaving certain educational and family watching channels.

* Family duty Parents need to take more care of their children. Care should be taken so that the children do not mix with the talented children of the neighborhood. In other words, parents have to keep a close eye on the movements of their children.

* Session jam solution: Session jam should be solved in the field of education. Teachers are required to give results in all examinations and within the stipulated time as per the academic calendar.

* Awakening of religious feeling: Different media should play a special role in awakening religious feeling in people. Because religious feelings are the protection of human conscience.

In conclusion, the erosion of social values ​​is an undesirable situation, which denies being established in society. This leads to frustration and chaos everywhere in the society. Samp in Bangladesh Its effect is noticeable during sexual intercourse. Through social degradation a country may be gradually lost, sinking into the abyss of destruction from the map of the world. Again through the improvement of this condition it can become a modern civilized and developed nation and state. Therefore, we must all come forward to take the above remedial measures to prevent the erosion of social values ​​in Bangladesh.

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